Percival Lafer
Solid wood, Fiberglass, Fabric upholstery
H 85 cm x W 95 cm x D 95 cm | SH. 39 cm
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The MP-81's structure is composed of two fiberglass shells, welded togheter to create a single, rigid element. The solid wood feet are attached to the structure by screw nuts that are previously welded to the structure. The back feet can be assembled into two different positions, to create two versions: with or without the headrest, which is separated from the body. The foot assembly in the version with the headrest inclines the chair backwards to create a more laidback posture for the user. The upholstery is made with injected foam.
Móveis Lafer, where Percival designed a wide range of products, played a substantial role in Brazilian furniture in the second half of the 20th century. Innovations in technique and form resulted in standardized elements reused in different product lines, with solutions such as demountable and easy-to-transport products. The market welcomed Percival's creations, and the rapid industrial growth made it possible to export the pieces.